Monday, September 20, 2010

Oprah Winfrey interviews creators of "Waiting for Superman" today

Whatever you think about Oprah or the movie, it is interesting to see their discussion on the film and also to read the online discussion of the film and episode.  In the show Oprah is very impressed with film and encourages every audience memeber to see it.  On the show's webpage there are a lot of disgruntled viewers who very passionately object to the movie and the show.

Here's the link:

More resources:

1 comment:

  1. Here's a more eloquent objection to the show: 1mathteacher : I have been teaching for 13 years. I love what I do! It is, however, difficult to proudly be a member of a profession when you are constantly bombarded with negative comments about what you are doing. I work with mostly "at risk" students. These students have assorted problems at home, have learning disabilities (diagnosed and undiagnosed), or are at-risk for dropping out of school. I use innovative (and hopefully motivating) methods to try to reach these kids. For fifty minutes a day they are MINE! Unfortunately, even if I continue to think about them beyond that , they often don't think about me and my class. There are so many influences out there that are stronger than me. Yet these shows about the state of American education often overlook those. It is so easy to blame the school system for all the problems. I know I teach in an amazing high school with amazing colleagues and amazing students! Where are the shows that focus on the good things about public education and the things we are doing right? In education we replicate good behavior by focusing on the students who are doing well. Perhaps by focusing on what works, we can encourage other schools to do the same. We need to begin offering solutions to these problems! We need to come together as a country to make this work.
