Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MPR on Waiting for Superman

If you haven't noticed already, I get a lot of information from MPR.  It's because I'm in the car a lot.  Today I heard a really interesting snippet on All Things Considered, I heard a short interview with the Waiting for Superman director Davis Guggenheim and after that a short interview with the Chief Knowledge Officer of Teach for America Steven Farr.  The fact that the director of Waiting for Superman hopes to send his child to a public school next year stood out of the first interview and the short explanation that energy does not necessarily mean better teaching on the part of the director of Teach for America stood out in the second interview.  I'm on one of those Hamline stand-up computer terminals now and haven't found the audio clip yet, but I will add it to this post when I find it.

Here it is -  a nice 13 min segment - http://minnesota.publicradio.org/features/npr.php?id=130020147
In re-listening, more intently, I love Steven Farr's segment which starts at 7:40 into the podcast.  He says that great teachers tend to set ambitious goals for their students.  Setting the goal helps make it happen.

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