Sunday, September 19, 2010

A few stand-out articles from last week

Here are some of the news media pieces I've collected in the last week an a half:


A good summary of the L.A. Times value-added analysis (NY Times)
  • The L.A. Times requested 7 years of elementary school test scores and then hired a man to use a value-added analysis to link test scores to individual teachers. The paper then printed a list of the best and worst teachers in the district.  It's a really interesting topic to discuss with classmates because on one side there is a need for teacher evaluation, on the other, there are many reasons why teachers shouldn't be judged by test scores.    
Strib article on Mpls school district effort to get dropouts back in school
  • Minneapolis school district has a team of volunteers knocking on the doors of the dropouts, trying to get students back in schools.  While their message may not be getting through to recent dropouts (which are the students they need back in the schools), their message is getting through to older siblings and parents who want to finish high school.


MN Gubernatorial debate on education:
How to turn schools around:
  • An interesting discussion on turnaround schools in MN. 


A map of the Race to the Top winners with summaries/full proposals of the entries
  • I thought it was interesting that at least three of the winning states based proposals on teacher evaluation - See? It's a hot topic!

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