Sunday, October 10, 2010

What makes good teaching? MPR series last week

Here's an MPR series I'm just starting to get through from last week. It's about what makes good teaching (an appropriate topic). So far, I've only heard the third, which was an interesting conversation about listener contributed topics. The conversation hit on some of the issues that have been swirling around in my head lately - issues such as suburban/urban need and teacher evaluation.

Here is the series:

1. 10/6/2010: "Testing Teachers" by American RadioWorks, here is the homepage for the show/ - You can find a link to listen to the program or read the transcript there as well as a lot of information about the show content.

2. 10/7/2010: "What Does Good Teaching Look Like?" on Midday. It is a group discussion with teachers, administrators, parents, and students.

Or you can find it here:

3. 10/8/2010: "What's your idea to improve teaching?" Midday. This is the interesting discussion I listened to on my walk today.

Also found here:

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